Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Shopping for New Clothes

This post was originally started on September 10,  2015 but not completed until today, September 23, 2015.  

We will be going on a vacation soon.  It's my husband's 40th reunion for the commissioning crew of the USS Spruance DD-963. That's the destroyer where he spent his Naval career once he made it through all his schools.  I need to go shopping for clothes.  My first stop will be my closet.  I'm pretty sure the two bins of clothes in the closet don't have anything that I can fit yet, but it will be wise to check first.  Yes I have several sizes of clothes, spanning a 10 year period of growth into obesity.  I am also somewhat a spend thrift.  I don't want to buy clothes that I hopefully won't be able to wear in a couple of months.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I just love (insert food here)

Let's face it.  People like me, who suffer weight problems have "issues" that need to be addressed.  Some would say we have an emotional issue, others a food addiction and others say it is a behavioral issue.  There's just too many different scenarios and actions to be able to look at someone and say exactly what their problem is.  But one thing I have noticed is that we place too much power in the food.