I believe everything in life happens for a reason. I have to believe that otherwise I would cry. I also need to make sure I publish my posts in a timely manner. Otherwise I might possibly have 2 posts in one day.
When I started my last post, I had a tentative surgery date of June 29. The one thing about tentative is that it's subject to change and I have come to the conclusion that it will. I have had two tentative surgery dates now.
Apparently I was somewhat misled by my counselor. While she did clear me for surgery like she said she would, she also added the notation that I needed to be re-evaluated by the surgeon. I guess she didn't like the fact that I didn't want to give the surgery risks legs by discussing them.
Yes I know that there are risks. There are risks associated with ANY surgery. Death is the number one in my book but if you go in worrying about dying you most certainly will. I will admit there is a certain amount of trepidation that occurs when one is having the majority of their stomach removed. I can also have gastritis, leakage of the stomach at the staples, a bowel blockage and vomiting when I eat too much. There you have it. The risks.
So when I went for what I thought was my 2 week pre-surgery appointment ended up being a counseling session with the PA and the surgeon. Yay. About another month's delay. I'm so happy - NOT.
I'm basically where I was a month ago, only this time if I have a tentative surgery date I don't know what it is. What I do know is that if I get approved and they can move this date up then they will let me know. I think it's best to have the ignorance is bliss attitude rather than an anticipatory attitude.
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