I have seen this in full force this past week. I was sucked into negativity and spewed my own negativity. I asked for forgiveness and some may forgive and others may not. It's life it happens.
In some instances the things I have seen people get upset over I have said to myself "Geeze grown some thicker skin." At some point in our lives we have got to thicken our skin. We can't always have things all gumdrops and lollipops and that's the way life is supposed to be. Facing and conquering hardships is character building. How do we tell the difference though, to know it's okay to cry our eyes out and be emotionally hurt or utilize our thicker skin? It's a fine line, isn't it? It's all based on your perspective.
Of course someone who has had libelous statements thrown around at the have every right to be upset, cry a lot and stress. Or maybe someone who has been threatened in the "I'm going to send you to jail" way. At one point we have to realize that we must get beyond that petty bullshit and move forward. Often in circumstances such as this, we find the threats to be idle but yet oh so damaging.
That's what it's about isn't it - moving forward? Going past the obstacles that life throws at us and move forward. There are always going to be negative people that will rain on our parade. The key is to hold our head high and constantly try to move forward, to improve ourselves and to enjoy life.
So if you are ostracized by one group, don't cry. Find another. If someone breaks up with you, realize your self worth and then find someone better. Life is just too short to be around people that make you miserable.
Life is also too short to be the one that makes others miserable.
Sometimes we can be the problem and not realize it or not even care. If you don't care then you are what people consider to be a bad person. You need to get your heart right. If you are aware that you're the one that is threatening others or hurting people, you need to re-evaluate your life. One thing is to remember to treat people the way you want to be treated. If you need help, then talk to a counselor and get on medication if needed. You may be on medication and need to change or increase dosage.
For those that have been hurt, don't retreat - interact. Do you know if the person who hurt you is on meds? If so, talk to them. Let them know what hurt you. Don't go to them with anger and resentment. I know that's hard to do but please realize for some of us, if our meds aren't working right, we simply don't realize our actions are inappropriate. We often view people as slighting us when in actuality we are slighting others. Anger and hurt may be building up and we don't even realize it. Communication is the key.
“I want to grow. I want to be better. You Grow. We all grow. We're made to grow. You either evolve or you disappear.”
― Tupac Shakur
Well said, Connie!